Saturday, March 2, 2019

How did I get here?

If you don’t know already, I’m crazy. If you looked at me in my mom jeans (that I got for 30% off at Kohl’s) you would think “soccer mom” but deep down inside this former soccer mom is an adventurous beast begging to be set free. It’s a beast that wants to go its own way and break free of monotony. I fight it every single day. Maybe I am unique, or maybe I am just the only one still listening, but I don’t like being boxed in. There's a whole wide world out there just waiting for me to be conquered! My beast has a name: Independence. Most days the beast’s close friend, Adrenaline Rush joins us. That’s how I became a mom driving Uber.

To give you a quick summary of where I am in life, I have been married for 16 years. We have three kids that are 14, almost 13, and 7. I have been a homeschool mom for ten years (wow, that makes me feel old). For the last two and a half years, I have been working for a major retailer fulltime. My husband is a real estate agent and his schedule is insane; eighty hours a week insane. Between juggling his real estate schedule and my retail schedule our kids just weren’t getting the best of me. Retail has a way of burning you out. It is not for the faint of heart. And that is what brings me here. After a lot of grief, I gave up my fulltime job with really great benefits to drive Lyft and Uber on my own schedule so I can be physically and emotionally available for my family. What an adventure it has been!

Every time I drive I have a new experience. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s terrifying. If you’ve been curious about the rideshare world, I want to share what it’s really like. If you've ever considered driving to earn some extra cash, it can be a pretty sweet side gig and so far I recommend it. But most of all I hope to inspire you to live life boldly, to laugh, to love your neighbors, and to do what it takes to follow your dreams; even if that means driving total strangers around in creepy places in the middle of the night.  Whether you're working on listening to your own beast more often, interested in driving, or just want to live vicariously through my insanity and get a few laughs, I hope you will stick with me through this wild ride!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh this blog is amazing its a wonderful story.


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